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From January 1st the cost
is only € 150 or $ 200
for the whole year!




To chose the right School

You now have many nail schools in different countries. You can pick and choose. But how do you find the right one? A school that will give you everything from basic to advanced. One that you can lean on when you start your new career.

You have to check their webpage, length of the education, price, send for brochures. From the webpage at Naglar i Norden you can link to different educators.

Most schools are tied to a product line and may only offer a training program for a few days. That's fine if you already have the basics. In the US you have to get a license to practice on consumers. There the education is about 3 months.

Keep in mind that your basic education should be 1-3 months if you want to make a career out of it. It should include anatomy, hygiene, chemical awareness, manicure and nail disorders.
A good school also has an exhaust system.

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